Monday, August 04, 2008


Actually, for a Monday, today wasn't too bad. I just like the saying "stepped in a big pile of Monday". It so sums up most Mondays.

It was the usual busy day at work. My buddy, Kate, was back from vacation and she always makes the workday more fun. We have some new pharmacists and it's a blast making their lives difficult.

Got home and threw some dogs on the grill and enjoyed them with some baked beans. The kids (and me too) love dogs on the grill. They like theirs just warmed but I like mine with a little black on the outside. I like to have a slight crunch when I bite into the hot dog.

We spent the remainder of the evening "burritoing" each other up in a blanket on the living room floor. I used to do this with Bubba when he was little and he loved it. Gooey enjoys it just as much. I think it wore us all out because their in the living room now lounging on the couch quietly watching Nemo on the Disney channel.

It looks like it's going to be an early night to bed for all of us.

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