Saturday, July 05, 2008


Since yesterday was the 4th of July, it was all about family time. We got out of bed and did everything as a family, from cleaning the house to cooking dinner.

While cleaning up the backyard in anticipation of our arriving guests, Bubba breezed by me and I happened to notice he's within inches of being as tall as me. Wait. Who is this child? I see him every day but for some reason, today he's taller. He went to bed last night as my little boy and woke up this morning a tall, lanky, young man. How did this happen?

What mystical force sneaks into our hallway, finds my children's rooms and changes them without my permission? I'm not liking this.

Bubba is becoming so independent. He no longer wants to go out to dinner with us. Yes, it's cheaper to eat out now since his soon-to-be teenage stomach can engulf half a restaurant menu but I miss the bizarre personality of this creature at my dinner table.

He has friends that I don't know. With the addition of a cell phone to his repertiore, he's texting with this girl and that. I do reserve the right to read all of his texts, but I have no faces to put with these obnoxious "Hi! :)~" messages.

When he's with the friends that I do know, they share comments that have completely different meanings to me. When did "That's so gay!" change it's meaning? I feel like I'm watching television and it's stuck on the Spanish channel. I can see what's happening but I have no idea what they're saying.

Would someone please slow down this world so I can have my little boy with me a bit longer? At this rate, the next time I look at him, he'll be hugging his own little boy.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Time flies by! Thanks for making me cry at the end about him hugging his little boy! UGH! LOL