Friday, November 17, 2006


Little Brother has a laundry basket of toys. Literally, it's a laundry basket that just heaping with toys. There's stuffed toys, chewy toys, noisy name it, it's probably in there.

But he has one toy that he plays with all the time. It's the letter "A". It's a stuffed toy. It doesn't make noise. It's red on one side and B&W checkerboard on the other. It makes me wonder why that particular toy.

On another note, he got his first REAL pair of shoes yesterday. We chose to go with the standard white high-top style. I wanted him to have extra ankle support now that he's cruising the living room furniture. At first he was sort of clonky in them but now, he's back at cruising speed.

It won't be long and he'll be walking!

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