Friday, March 20, 2009


Yes, hormones. They're everywhere in our house.

The Teenager
is doing a recreation of an old episode of The Brady Bunch. Remember the one where Peter's voice changes? Yeah, that one. It's hilarious.

Oh and the hair. He's growing a peach-fuzz mustache. It won't be long and he'll need a razor. There's hair in other places too. It's not like I wanted to know this but The Teenager shoved a pit in my face the other day and said "Look, Mom!" I had no choice. I wanted to cry (not only from the stench but because my little boy's becoming a man). Deoderant was immediately placed on the shopping list.

My lunch pals and I were talking the other day because, luckily, I'm not experiencing this alone. They have teenagers too. Female ones. I'm lucky in that regard. The hormones with boys are easier to deal with in my opinion.

We did come to this conclusion. Teenage hormones are the anti venom for common sense no matter what gender the child is. Sandy's daughter left all of her school books and track equipment in the car knowing that her mom would be going to work IN the car. She called her mom sobbing because she couldn't run track without it. Then don't leave it in mom's car! At the auto show the other night, The Teenager hops up and sits on the counter at the food stand. Don't place your rearend where people are going to be serving food! No common sense whatsoever.

Gooey's experiencing something similar too. I don't know if it's hormones or that he's just spoiled rotten but he sure has been moody lately. Starting to potty train at this point was not a good idea. I must be crazy.

Or maybe it's just me. I think I'm going through pre-menopause. At least that's what all the books say. I'm at that age. I'm old. My teenager reminds me of that all the time.

See, I told you he didn't have common sense. You just shouldn't poke the bear.

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