Friday, February 05, 2010



Because tomorrow's going to be a stressful day. As if I don't already have enough in my life.

We're going tomorrow to car shop. I say car because I want a car.

Daddeee wants an SUV.

So we're going car shopping.

The reason: my van died. It did. The services are Sunday.

So it's been a long week of commuting with 1 vehicle.


To relax, we ate out tonight. Yep. Took the kids to IHOP.

Dinner was good. It would have been better if I could have understood what our waiter was saying.

The company at dinner was even better (insert sarcasm here)

The Teenager had a date tonight with his girlfriend and her mother so he was in a hurry to get home. Inhaled his pancakes in a single breath.

The Kid blurted out to everyone including the people at the restaurant next door that his action figure had boobs.


But we're home. Survived this weather. Survived the week.

And calling a night early.

Lots of sleep, power breakfast in the morning.

Look out car salesmen, here I come!

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