Saturday, January 30, 2010


The van broke down on my way home from work last night.

I called roadside assistance but was told it would be an hour before the truck could get there.

MoDot stopped behind me to see what the problem was. He informed me it was too cold to wait for the tow truck. As if I didn't know that and had planned all this. So he took me to a near-by convenience store to wait.

Thank goodness for my brother, Gary, who came to wait with me. We sat in his car behind my van to wait.

To try to make the best of a bad situation, we joked around about whether the tow truck driver would be a cutie or a nasty.

He was a cutie until he bent over to hook up the van and shot us a view of his plumber's crack.

Once I was finally home, The Kid asked me if Mater took the van away. Too cute.

It was a long, exhausting experience.

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