Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Yes, I said smell, not look. I despise Christmas decorations but I do them for the kids. They just make the house look so cluttered and I'm allergic to clutter (I sneeze a lot because my house is cluttered from 2 boys and a husband).

I said smell because the house smells like Christmas. There's a candy cane scented candle burning in the living room and there's a cookie-baking residue scent in the air from Christmas cookie baking last night.

Packages wrapped...check.
Gooey tucked in bed...check.
Chocolate chip cookies...check.
Peanut Butter cookies...check.
Champagne for Mimosas** chilling...check.
**nice excuse to drink first thing in the morning
Stockings on the list.
Breakfast casserole made...second on the list.

Yes, I'm making my casserole tonight because, well, that's what the recipe says to do. I like this recipe because I can make it tonight, chill in the fridgedaire, then pop it in the oven tomorrow when, at the butt crack of dawn, the kids wake me up to see what Santa brought.

Among those 2 things to get done, I need to go in search of a kerchief or at least find out what the heck it is. Why, you ask? Well, because the story says so. "Mom in her kerchief and I in my cap". Daddeee has plenty of caps. I just don't think I own a kerchief. Does that mean we can't settle down for a long winters nap? Try and stop me!

And why is it that I can't seem to get through these sorts of festivities without an injury? Tonight I managed to slice my finger with the fillet knife. I'm on my second band-aid and am in need of a third one. What would Christmas eve be without a trip to the emergency room for stitches? I don't think it's that serious, though. At least I hope not.

Well, now that I've rambled on enough, I'll leave you with this.

Whatever holiday you celebrate, I wish you a Happy One and a Prosperous New Year (in case I don't catch you before then).

PS. are all of your presents wrapped?
PPS. Will you send me a hot EMT to save me from my bleeding finger? I prefer them scantly clad with big muscles.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Merry Christmas! I made my breakfast casserole earlier today and it is in the fridge at the moment waiting to get plopped in the oven first thing in the morning!